I was really happy to spend some time photographing this family, just before the weather turned for the worse. (Yuck...snow ) Heidi is Very pretty as you can see, Olivia is adorable and Matt is one of the nicest guys you'll ever meet (I have a huge amount of respect for him as he's one fantastic teacher at my children's school), so it was a pleasure for me!! If there is one thing I have learnt over the years with my photography, is that every family has their own unique chemistry and level of energy. Some families are gentle and quiet, some are super funny and love to joke around, some are closer to mom or dad or you can tell have a special bond with a sister or brother etc. The one thing that honestly has me hooked and the reason why I do it over and over again is capturing on film how much they all love each other!! It's more a feeling than anything...... I love a quote I once read by a little boy who was asked to describe what "LOVE" is and his reply was, "It's Christmas morning when everyone is opening their presents and if you stop and listen.... you can just hear it". That's exactly how I feel about doing family pictures...you can just feel it and it's contagious and ....That I will never tire of!!! When I look at Heidi and Matt and their beautiful little girl this is exactly what I see....A family that truly adores each other.....it just makes me smile:)

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